So Many Ideas
Miss Eller’s students clattered in from lunch recess. Balls and jump ropes landed in the recess basket. A line formed at the water fountain as hot and thirsty children waited for their turn to cool down. Miss Eller’s quiet presence at the meeting rug was a signal for everyone to settle down and join her.
Miss Eller began when all mouths stopped, and all eyes were on her. “Have all of you been thinking about the natural world and what you would like to learn about?” Heads nodded and some hands shot up. “Tara?”
"I want to study wild animals," Tara stated simply.
Miss Eller challenged her. “There are many, many wild animals. Did you have any particular ones in mind?”
Tara looked at the ceiling and thought for a moment. “Just the cute, fuzzy ones that live in the woods.”
“Hmm, well, that narrows it down. Enzo?”
Enzo was sure of himself. "Snakes Just the coolest ones."
“Okay,” nodded Miss Eller. “Snakes are certainly part of the natural world, and you narrowed down the topic a bit already. Anyone else? Andy?”
"Trees are an important part of the natural world, right?" asked Andy.
“Yes,” agreed Miss Eller.
“But there are too many kinds,” continued Andy, “so I would narrow them down to redwood trees. They’re special because they’re so big.”
“They certainly are,” said Miss Eller. “Anyone else?”
Hand after hand went up. Everyone had a different idea. Miss Eller listened carefully and thought to herself, How will we ever agree on what to study?
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