📖Reading Homework/Sihyun14 [Wordly L6] - Sihyun 2024. 10. 21. [Wordly L6] 3. Land of Contrasts - Sihyun 3. Land of Contrasts - Sihyun 2024. 9. 22. [Wordly L5] 15. When the Earth Quakes - Sihyun When the Earth Quakes Those who have lived through an earthquake describe it as one of the worst experiences of their lives. When one strikes, often without warning, people are usually too petrified to move. The ground, which a few moments before seemed so solid, suddenly lurches beneath their feet. Pictures are shaken from the walls. If the earthquake is severe enough, the walls themselves may .. 2024. 1. 28. [Wordly L5] 9. The Sky's the Limit - Sihyun 2023. 9. 6. [Wordly L5] 7. Birds in Tuxedos - Sihyun What is a bird? A creature that flies, of course. And yet, penguins are birds, but they cannot fly. Their wings are too feeble to lift them off the ground. This was not always so. Scientists believe that penguins once flew just like other birds. At some time in the remote past, they migrated to Antarctica. That is the frozen land that surrounds the South Pole. The ice sheet there is two miles th.. 2023. 8. 4. [Wordly L5] 4. A Difficult Journey - Sihyun 2023. 7. 10. [Wordly L5] 3. The Last Dinosaurs - Sihyun 2023. 7. 10. [Wordly L5] 2. When Money Grew on Trees - Sihyun 2023. 6. 24. [Wordly L5] 1. Friends for Life - Sihyun 2023. 6. 9. 이전 1 2 다음