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📖Reading Homework/Hojin

[Wonders G2] pp122.Tom Rakes Leaves - Hojin

by sofyan 2022. 12. 26.

Unit Assessment

Hojin_Tom Rakes Leaves.m4a

Tom Rakes Leaves

Mom asks Tom for help.
She asks Tom to rake leaves.

But Tom does not like to rake.

The leaves fall from a big tree.

The tree is next door.
It is filled with leaves.
It is filled with plums.

Mom tells Tom to choose.

He may rake leaves.
He may wash dishes.
Tom must pick.

Tom takes a glance at the sink.

He sees six plates.
He sees ten mugs.
He sees five pans.

He sees lots of pots.

Tom makes up his mind.

Tom gets the rake.
He rakes and rakes.
He makes a big pile.

Then a big wind blows.

Leaves fly!

The leaves will not stay in place!

Tom sees his pal Nat.

Nat has a rake.
He has a big bag.

Nat will help.

Tom is glad.
Nat rakes. Tom bags.

Soon not a leaf is left.

Tom smiles.
He sees Mrs. Lane.
Mrs. Lane is Nat’s mom.

She has a plum cake.

She will share it.

Mrs. Lane gives Tom a slice.

Mrs. Lane gives Nat a slice.

It has been a fun day!