📖Reading Homework/Yujun12 [Great_L4] - Yujun 2024. 1. 4. [Great_L4] - Yujun 2023. 12. 16. [Great_L4] - Yujun 2023. 12. 9. [Great_L4] - Yujun 2023. 11. 6. [Great_L4] - Yujun 2023. 9. 28. ZOOM LESSONS - Yujun Fri Jul 7 https://engoo.com/app/daily-news/article/if-it-aint-broke-dont-fix-it-the-story-of-coca-cola/tEd4mAGnEe6JczdeqDcKOw If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It: The Story of Coca-Cola | Engoo Daily News In 1985, The Coca-Cola Company announced that it was changing the recipe for its famous cola-flavored drink. engoo.com If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It: The Story of Coca-Cola backlash (Noun) syrup .. 2023. 7. 17. [Wordly L6] Elizabeth Blackwell, M.D. - Yujun 2023. 7. 10. [Wordly L6] 4. A Different Way to Fly - Yujun 2023. 4. 15. [Wordly L6] 3. Land of Contrasts - Yujun 2023. 4. 15. 이전 1 2 다음