One Tent, Lots of Stuff
What do the boys need for their night in the tent?
“Got it.”
“Sleeping bags?”
“Got it—both of them.”
“Two fat ones.”
“Three kinds.”
“Three kinds? Great!”
Sam and Kent had made a list of all the things they needed for sleeping out in the tent. Now, they were sitting cross-legged in the tent, checking things off the list.
“Are you going to bring a bathrobe and slippers?” Kent asked Sam.
“Oh, no! We’re camping. Those are just for in the house,” answered Sam, looking as if he knew all about camping.

“Oh, right,” said Kent, who had never been camping before. He didn’t think Sam had been camping before either. Still, it was Sam’s dad’s tent, so he must know.
“Oh, I almost forgot. Can you bring your baseball glove?” Sam looked very serious.
Kent couldn’t figure this one out. “My baseball glove? What do we need that for?”
“Well, we just might. You never know,” said Sam with mystery and authority.
“Okay,” shrugged Kent, “I’ll bring it when I come after supper. What time do you think you’ll be able to come out?”
Sam thought for a moment. “We usually eat at 5:45. Then, I have to clear the table. I should be done by 6:30. What about you?”
“My dad doesn’t get home until six o’clock,” said Kent, regretfully. “Maybe if I offer to help Mom with supper, things will go quickly.”
Sam shrugged. “It’s worth a try. Come out as soon as you can.” Sam looked around the tent. “Okay, I think everything’s ready. I’ll see you later.”
“See you later,” said Kent, and the boys both ran home.
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