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[Completed]/[Completed] Taehyun

[Great_L4] Unit3.3 Parenting 101 - Taehyun

by sofyan 2023. 8. 4.


Unit3.3 Parenting 101
The film previews are finished, and the movie theater is quiet as everyone waits for the feature film to begin. (However / In contrast), the stillness is suddenly broken by a noise. The audience hears a sniffle'. The sniffle soon turns to a cry, then a wail. There is an uncomfortable, or perhaps unhappy, toddler sitting in the movie theater. People start shuffling in their seats as they wait for what will happen next.
Will the child be taken out of the theater, or will the parent pretend that everything is OK? Scenarios like these happen regularly. The parents' reaction depends on their parenting style. The two extremes are the lenient (laissez-faire?) parent and the strict disciplinarian' parent.

Lenient parents often focus on their child having fun and enjoying being a kid.
If a child does something careless like break a glass, lenient parents will not become angry or scream. They know that the child is probably experimenting and meant no harm. Likewise, the parents may even explain to the child that it was an accident and the child should not be upset.? (In contrast / Similarly), lenient parents may not be too concerned about following a schedule. They will allow their children to stay up late and experience new things. The motto "You're only a kid once!" rings very true to these free spirits. These types of parents see themselves as guides for their children, which cannot be said about the second parenting group: the disciplinarians.
Disciplinarian parents consider themselves role models for their children.
(Unlike / Similarly) lenient parents, their main priorities are the safety and protection of their children. In essence, children are monitored very carefully and may not be allowed to play outside, interact with animals, or roughhouse* in general. A child who experiences a strict upbringing may be encouraged to focus on his or her studies instead of making friends. (In addition / However), interaction may be limited to only close family members. Children who are raised in highly disciplined environments are typically very focused on their schoolwork.

In the end, no parents are truly 100 percent lenient or 100 percent strict when it comes to raising their child. Most fall somewhere in the middle depending on the child, the environment, and the particular situation. (Nevertheless / Similarly), parents clearly lean toward one or the other parenting style. Society knows that both child-rearing styles have advantages and disadvantages, but the more interesting question is this: Which style will these children choose when the time comes for them to become parents?