1. You can be anything
Sue is a famous star.
She is on television.
Nick is a brave pilot.
He flies everywhere in the sky.
Diane is a beautiful princess.
She lives in a palace.
"How?" the teacher asks.
"We are reading a book!" they answer.
"You can be anything when you read a book" says the teacher.
2. On our body
Where does the hat go?
It goes on our head.
Where does the bag go?
It goes on our shoulder.
Do we wear a belt, too?
Sure. We wear it on our waist.
Where do gloves go?
They go on our hands.
Then, where do shoes go?
They go on our feet.
We can wear many things on our bodies.
3. Yummy! Yummy!
I eat strange things.
I eat long-nosed elephants.
I eat scary lions.
I eat cute dogs.
I eat jumping kangaroos.
I eat big bears.
They are so yummy!
How can I do this?
Do you think I am reallly strange?
No! I am eating animal crackers!
4. Early bird
Two birds are neighbours in the same tree.
One bird wakes up early.
She goes down to pick up worms.
She picks up three worms.
She gives them to her young.
They are full.
The other bird wakes up late.
She goes down to pick up worms too.
She looks and looks, but she can't find any.
She is very hungry.
5. Flying a kite
I have a kite.
I take it outside.
When the wind blows, I fly it very high.
Look! Look at the kite go!
It looks like a bird!
It is flying so high!
Uh oh!
It is falling.
Aw, the kite falls on the ground.
When the wind blows, I will fly it again!
6. First day of school
Today is John's first day of school.
He is nervous.
He knows no one around him.
The recess bell rings.
He goes outside.
All the boys play soccer together.
"Hey! Can I play, too?" says John.
"Sure! Come and play with us!"
7. Sandcastle
Anna loves to go to the beach.
She loves to play in the waves.
She loves to pick up shells.
But Anna loves to make sandcastles the most.
She makes a big castle.
Wow, it is a nice castle!
The waves come.
The castle crumbles.
Awww ...
Anna will make another one!
8. Traffic light
Let's study the traffic light today!
When the green light is on, you cross the street.
When the red light is on, you wait.
Let's go outside and practice!
It's a red light now. Let's wait!
It's a green light now. Let's cross the street.
Oh, no! The light is blinking!
Let's hurry!
Now, you can cross the street by yourself.
9. Shadow puppets
We turned off the lights.
I turned on the flashlight.
Now, I can make animals with my hands.
"Here is a rabbit!"
"Here is. bird!"
"Here is a dog!"
Then, I put the flashlight under my face.
"Here is a monster!"
Playing with shadows is fun!
10. Jumping rope
Jumping rope is fun!
Up and down we go!
Three of us are jumping together!
Let's count how many times we jump!
One, two, three, four, five, six ...
Aw, a boy steps on the rope.
"I'm sorry" says the boy.
"It's okay. Let's start all over!"
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten!
"Hooray, we did it!"
11. Are there monsters?
The boy was scared of monsters at night.
He hid under his blanket. And he asked,
"Are there monsters under my bed?"
No reply.
"Are there monsters sitting on the stairs?"
No reply.
"Are there monsters in the closet?"
No reply.
"Are there monsters in the hallway?"
Step, step, step, step ...
"Oh no! Please! Do not eat me!"
Whew! It was mom and dad.
12. Fetch
I have a cute dog.
He loves to fetch sticks.
We go to the park to play fetch a lot.
When I throw a stick, he runs to pick it up.
This time, I pretend to throw a stick.
But he still runs to pick it up.
"Arf! Arf!" he barks as he runs.
Run, dog!
But he comes back with a different stick.
13. Teddy bear
Maria has a good friend.
Its name is Ted.
They share a room together.
After she wakes up, she says good moring.
"Good morning. How are you, Ted?"
Before she sleeps, she says good night.
"Good night. Sleep well, Ted."
Yes, Maria loves her teddy bear very much.
14. Picnic
My family will go on a picnic today.
Mom says, "Put the lemonade in the basket."
"Put the cookies and sandwiches in the basket, too."
We are ready to leave the house.
Wait. What's missing?
Oh no! My brother is still sleeping in the room.
I wake him up.
I dress him.
Now, we are all ready to go on a picnic.
15. Music
You can do many things with music!
You can sing.
You can play the piano.
You can dance to music.
You can feel different things with music.
You can feel happy.
You can feel sad, too.
You can even feel excited.
I want to be a musician when I grow up.
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