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[Best L4] 6. An Unpleasant Surprise - Siyun 2022. 12. 26.
[Best L4] 5. An Excursion - Siyun 2022. 12. 26.
[Reading] Alston Reading L3 - Jiyu 9. Shadow puppets We turned off the lights. I turned on the flashlight. Now, I can make animals with my hands. "Here is a rabbit!" "Wow!" "Here is. bird!" "Cool!" "Here is a dog!" "Awesome!" Then, I put the flashlight under my face. "Here is a monster!" "Ahh!!!" Playing with shadows is fun! 10. Jumping rope Jumping rope is fun! Up and down we go! Three of us are jumping together! Let's count how.. 2022. 12. 22.
[Wonders G5] 37. Tony Beaver, Lumberjack - Sihyun Tony Beaver, Lumberjack Long ago, there lived a family called the Beavers. There was Paw and Maw Beaver. They named their children Tony, Betsy, and Molly. The family had a tiny log cabin deep in the mountains of West Virginia. Each day, Paw gave Tony a chore to do. “Go on and chop down a tree. Maw needs some wood to build a fire.” Now, the one chore Tony enjoyed most was chopping trees. So, he p.. 2022. 12. 22.
[Reading] 12. Leah Saves the Day - Jayden Leah Saves the Day “You have our cell phone numbers, so call if you need to,” said Leah’s father. Leah was thirteen, and it was her first time babysitting for her little brother. She had stayed home by herself before, but she had never had to watch Richie. Leah was a little nervous, but she tried to call on and summon her courage. Richie was playing on the backyard jungle gym. Suddenly, Leah’s c.. 2022. 12. 22.
[Best L4] 4. A Frightening Experience - Siyun 2022. 12. 22.
[Best L3] 5. Moving House - Sihu 2022. 12. 22.
[Best L4] 3. A Competition - Siyun 2022. 12. 19.
[Best L3] 4. Breakdown - Sihu 2022. 12. 19.