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[Completed]/[Completed] Juan14

[Best L1] 5. Mother is Sick - Juan 5. Mother is Sick 📖 Diviya is at home with her mother. Diviya wakes up from her nap. She finds her mother lying on the sofa. Diviya's mother looks pale. She is having a bad headache. Diviya tells her mother to get some rest. She helps her mother to do the housework. She helps to sweep the floor and does the dishes. When Diviya's father comes home, her mother is feeling better. They thank Diviya .. 2023. 2. 25.
[Best L1] 4. A Birthday Celebration - Juan A Birthday Celebration Rachel skips out of bed. It is her birthday today! She is very happy because her family are going to celebrate her birthday with her. Rachel and her family put on party hats. Then, her mother brings out the birthday cake. There are seven candles on it. Rachel makes a wish and blows out all the candles. After that, her family members give her presents. Rachel has so much fu.. 2023. 2. 10.
[Best L1] 3. Flying a Kite - Juan Tim and Jill are at the park. They are flying a kite. Tim lets go of the kite accidentally. The kite flies away. The children are surprised. They run after the kite. It continues to fly away. Soon, the kite is high up in the sky. Tim is sad, but Jill cheers him up. They decide to make a new kite by themselves. 2023. 2. 1.
[Best L1] 2. A Day at the Beach - Juan 2. A Day at the Beach It is a sunny day. My family and I decide to go for a picnic. My father drives us to the beach. There are many families there. We lay out a mat under a shady tree. Then, we take out the food. After eating some delicious sandwiches, my parents and I build sandcastles. Soon, it is time to go home. We have so much fun. I wave goodbye happily to the beach. 2023. 1. 25.
[Best L1] 1. Being Sick - Juan 1. Being Sick 📖 When Yusri gets out from bed, he feels that something is wrong. His body feels warm all over and his throat hurts. Yusri tells his parents about it. They make him lie in bed. Then, they use a thermometer to take his temperature. They realise that Yusri is having a fever. They take Yusri to the doctor. The doctor examines Yusri and gives him some medicine. Yusri hopes he will get .. 2023. 1. 7.