분류 전체보기844 [Wordly L3] 2. Up, Up, and Away - Seojune 2023. 9. 6. [Wordly L2] 6. What It's Like to Be 300Million Years Old - Subin 2023. 9. 6. [Spectrum R2] unit19. Choose a Cat - Dayoung 2023. 9. 6. [Spectrum R2] unit19. Choose a Cat - Wooyoung 2023. 9. 6. [Wordly L2] 6. What It's Like to Be 300 Million Years Old - Dan 2023. 8. 31. [Wordly L4] 8. The Great Pyramid - Jason 2023. 8. 31. [Spectrum R2] unit4. Moving Out Day - Jooha There goes another box, thought Emily. All my stuff is in boxes. It’s all getting squashed together. Mom stood on the front steps. “Oh, be careful with that one!” she cried. The movers nodded as they went past. All my stuff is in boxes, thought Mom. It might all get broken. Dad came out of the garage. “Wow, this is a heavy one! It might break everything else.” Mom and Emily frowned. An hour late.. 2023. 8. 31. [Alston L1] Reading Comprehension - Doeun Unit 1. How do babies cry? Frogs go "Ribbit Ribbit" Cars go "Broom Broom" Phones go "Ring Ring" Cows go "Moo Moo" Pigs go "Oink Oink" Cats go "Meow Meow" Clocks go "Tick Tock" Then how do babies cry? Babies go "Waaaaaaa Waaaaaaa" Unit 2. Hats! I love hats! I collect many hats! I have a blue baseball cap. I have a black top hat. I have a green beret. I have a red ski cap. I have a white helmet. I.. 2023. 8. 31. [Spectrum R2] unit18. Cat or No Cat? - Dayoung 2023. 8. 31. 이전 1 ··· 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 ··· 94 다음