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[Spectrum R3] 17. And It's Out of the Park! - Lucy 2023. 6. 1.
[Spectrum R2] 15. Cats Every Day Cats Every Day What kind of care does a cat need? Like all house pets, cats need food, water, and a certain amount of attention every day. Food A cat needs its food dish filled every day. A box of cat food costs several dollars. An adult cat may eat a box in less than two weeks. Water A cat needs to have fresh water each day. You will probably have to fill the dish twice a day. Other Needs If a .. 2023. 6. 1.
[Spectrum R2] 14. Cats Long Ago Cats Long Ago Read to learn part of the history of cats. Imagine that it is three thousand years ago. You are visiting Egypt. You see a statue of a cat. You go into a building, and there are cats everywhere! People are feeding them and taking care of them. Everyone seems to like cats. “Why so many cats?” you wonder. To answer that question, we have to learn a little bit about Egypt. The Egyptian.. 2023. 6. 1.
[Spectrum R2] 13. The Case for a Cat The Case for a Cat What does Carly’s family talk about after dinner? “Did you hear what Mr. Mendez said about the animal shelter?” Carly asked. “They have too many kittens!” Mom was washing dishes. She didn’t turn around. “Yes, it’s sad that so many animals don’t have homes.” “We could give one a home!” said Carly. Now, Mom turned around, shaking her head. “Dad and I would like you to have a pet.. 2023. 6. 1.
[Spectrum R2] 12. Animal Shelter News Animal Shelter News What is Carly excited about? Carly’s fork dropped against her plate. She felt her face turn red. Her dad had invited a friend from work for dinner. Mr. Mendez was right next to Carly. She felt a little nervous. “Mrs. Blake,” said Mr. Mendez, “thank you for such a fine meal. I do wish my wife had been able to come.” “You’re welcome, and so do we,” Mrs. Blake smiled. “Did you s.. 2023. 6. 1.
[Spectrum R2] 11. What Is an Art Museum? What Is an Art Museum? Read to find out what an art museum is. Art comes in all sizes and shapes. It might be pretty, or it might be unusual. If you look for it, you can see art all around you. It might be a building, a picture on a poster, or a shape in the sand. A place where people display art so that other people can see it is called an art museum. Some museums take care of art that is very .. 2023. 6. 1.
[Spectrum R2] 10. Afternoon Art Read to see what Mom and Matt draw. “May I have the green, please?” asked Matt. “Sure,” said Mom. She handed it over. “Are you making more trees?” “No,” said Matt, “I’m done with trees. I’m drawing a turtle now. What are you working on?” Mom held up her paper. A big orange flower filled the page. Matt smiled. “That’s the flower in Gram’s garden, isn’t it?” “That’s what I’m trying to make it look.. 2023. 6. 1.
[Spectrum R2] 9. Paul Bunyan: A New Story Paul Bunyan: A New Story Read this tall tale to find out how Paul Bunyan solves a problem. After the great race, everyone in Minnesota was wondering what to do about all the holes. The giant lumberjack Paul Bunyan and his big blue ox, Babe, had made the holes with their feet. People couldn’t plow their fields or walk through the woods any more. Every time they tried, they fell into one of those .. 2023. 6. 1.
[Spectrum R2] 8. San Antonio Today San Antonio Today Do you think you would like to visit San Antonio? In San Antonio today, a visitor can learn many things about Texas’s past. Many old buildings still stand. At the same time, it is a modern city. People visit San Antonio to eat, shop, go to concerts, and see the sights. The city’s River Walk is a common place to go. The San Antonio River flows right through downtown. Along the r.. 2023. 6. 1.