분류 전체보기844 [Wordly L3] 4. Monarchs of the Air - Daechan 2023. 6. 24. [Wordly L3] 3. Roundup Time in Virginia - Daechan 2023. 6. 24. [Wordly L3] 2. Up, Up, and Away - Daechan 2023. 6. 24. [Wordly L3] 1. Monsters of the Deep - Daechan Monsters of the Deep The Pacific Ocean is huge. But we only see its surface. Underneath, over half a mile down, is another world. This world is very dark. It is the watery home of the giant squid. These unusual creatures spend their whole lives there. Let us explore deep in the Pacific Ocean. We will go near the northeast coast of New Zealand. There we will learn something of these strange anima.. 2023. 6. 24. [Wordly L2] 15. Music of the Island 2023. 6. 24. [Wordly L4] 2. - Sihu 2023. 6. 24. [Wordly L5] 2. When Money Grew on Trees - Sihyun 2023. 6. 24. [Wordly L4] 1. Sequoya's Gift - Hojin Sequoya's Gift Sequoya was a remarkable man in many ways. He was a skilled silversmith and painter. He also served as a soldier. But he is remembered today for inventing a written language. Sequoya was a member of the Cherokee nation, the son of a Native American mother and a British father. A patriotic person, he was dismayed that white people were taking over more and more of the Cherokee land.. 2023. 6. 17. [Spectrum R3] 31. Problem Solved - Hoyoung 2023. 6. 17. 이전 1 ··· 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 ··· 94 다음