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[Wordly L3] 6. Doing it the Hard Way 2023. 6. 29.
[Wordly L3] 5. Hoop, Hoop, Hurray! 2023. 6. 29.
[Spectrum R2] unit3. Bridges to Remember - Dayoung Bridges to Remember Read to find out what is special about these bridges. Some people do not like to drive across bridges. They look straight ahead and try to hold their breath until they get to the other side. Good luck if those people are driving in Louisiana. There is a 24-mile-long bridge there! It takes about half an hour to get across. If you like to look way, way down when you cross a bri.. 2023. 6. 29.
[Spectrum R2] unit3. Bridges to Remember - Wooyoung Bridges to Remember Read to find out what is special about these bridges. Some people do not like to drive across bridges. They look straight ahead and try to hold their breath until they get to the other side. Good luck if those people are driving in Louisiana. There is a 24-mile-long bridge there! It takes about half an hour to get across. If you like to look way, way down when you cross a bri.. 2023. 6. 29.
[Wordly L2] 3. Greetings from Mars - Seojune Greetings from Mars You have probably seen pictures of robots. Imagine that a robot could talk to you about itself. It might say something like this. Hello, my name is Curiosity. I didn't grow from a seed or an egg, as plants and animals do. People made me to explore Mars. Mars is a planet that humans hope to visit one day. That's where I am now. I set off from Earth in 2012. You and I do many o.. 2023. 6. 27.
[Wordly L3] 5. Hoop, Hoop, Hurray! - Daechan 2023. 6. 27.
[Wordly L2] 2. Fast Food on the Fly - Seojune Fast Food on the Fly Have you ever seen a bat hanging in some high corner of a room? Were you afraid? A bat can't talk. But imagine it could. Let's hear what it has to say. You probably think I'm ugly. A lot of people do. Maybe it's my wide wings, enormous ears, and small body. Some people are afraid of bats because they think we will get tangled in their hair. That's silly. I can fly through a .. 2023. 6. 27.
[Great_L4] Unit1.5 The Role of Advertising in Society - Taehyun 2023. 6. 24.
[Great_L4] Unit1.4 Overcoming the Rising Cost of University Studies - Taehyun ESSAY 1.4 Overcoming the Rising Cost of University Studies 2023. 6. 24.