분류 전체보기844 [Best L4] 13. A Mischievous Act - Siyun A Mischievous Act Why do bullfighters always wave a piece of red cloth at bulls? Can bulls see red? I know Father sees red when I do not finish my homework. Do bulls get excited or mad when a red cloth is waved in front of them? What about goats? These questions buzzed in my mind when I saw that goat grazing peacefully in the field. That Saturday, my parents and I were visiting a goat farm. As t.. 2023. 3. 31. [Wordly L7] 2. The Last Dodo - Jayden The Last Dodo If someone referred to you as a "dodo," you would probably be insulted. It is a derogatory term that describes someone who is not very astute. The origin of the English word can be traced back to the Portuguese duodo, which means "a foolish person." Dodo was the name Portuguese settlers gave to the large, flightless bird that inhabited the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. S.. 2023. 3. 31. [Wordly L2] 4. Sa-so Says Hello - Daechan Sa-so Says Hello What do you think life was like long, long ago? What if you could travel back in time thousands of years? What if you could meet someone your own age from back then? Imagine what that person might say to you. Hello! My name is Sa-so. I live in a time that you call the Ice Age. That is because ice covers much of the land. But not the part where I live. My family and I and some ot.. 2023. 3. 31. [Best L1] 8. Julia and Her Messy Room - Juan 8. Julia and Her Messy Room 📖 Julia is an untidy girl. Her room is always very messy. There are books and papers all over the floor. One day, Julia wants to do her homework. However, she cannot find her English workbook anywhere. Julia is very sad. She sits down and cries. Julia's mother comes into her bedroom. They look for the book together. Julia's mother finds it under a pile of clothes on J.. 2023. 3. 31. [Wordly L6] 2. The Mother of the Civil Rights Movement - Yujun Many people believe that the Civil Rights Movement in America began on December 1, 1955. On that date, an African American woman named Rosa Parks refused to vacate her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama, bus so that a white person could sit there. At the time, locallaws unjustly allowed African Americans to be treated as second-class citizens. Many hotels, restaurants, and even drinking fountains thr.. 2023. 3. 26. [Spectrum R2] 4. Moving In Day - Elly “Emily, would you go turn on the lights, please?” asked Mom. “The movers will need to see when they bring our stuff in.” “Sure, Mom.” Emily was happy to check out the new house. She turned on twelve lights and then went back to Mom. “Why don’t you help me unpack this box?” asked Mom. “Sure, Mom,” said Emily. Mom and Emily lifted out shapes wrapped in newspaper. One was the cookie jar. Another wa.. 2023. 3. 26. [Spectrum R2] 3. Moving Out Day - Elly There goes another box, thought Emily. All my stuff is in boxes. It’s all getting squashed together. Mom stood on the front steps. “Oh, be careful with that one!” she cried. The movers nodded as they went past. All my stuff is in boxes, thought Mom. It might all get broken. Dad came out of the garage. “Wow, this is a heavy one! It might break everything else.” Mom and Emily frowned. An hour late.. 2023. 3. 26. [Best L3] 16. A Birthday Celebration - Minha A Birthday Celebration Mrs Sharma's birthday was approaching. She was our form teacher. Our class decided to plan a surprise party for her. We were very excited on the day itself All of us reached school early that morning. First, we brought out the birthday cake that we had chipped in to buy. Next, we decorated the classroom with banners and balloons. We also wrote the words 'Happy Birthday, Mr.. 2023. 3. 26. [Alston L2] Reading Comprehension - Eunjae 1st Week 📖 Riddle time Here is a riddle. What has two hands but no fingers? Let's ask the dog. "I don't know" the dog says. Let's ask the bear. "I don't know" the bear says. Here is a hint. It is on the wall! "Oh, I know! It's a clock!" the cat says. Cat, you are the best! 2nd Week 📖 Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle We will make hamburgers today! Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle. Hooray, they are all ready. i eat o.. 2023. 3. 26. 이전 1 ··· 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 ··· 94 다음