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[Wordly L2] 2. Fast Food on the Fly - Daechan Fast Food on the Fly Have you ever seen a bat hanging in some high corner of a room? Were you afraid? A bat can't talk. But imagine it could. Let's hear what it has to say. You probably think I'm ugly. A lot of people do. Maybe it's my wide wings, enormous ears, and small body. Some people are afraid of bats because they think we will get tangled in their hair. That's silly. I can fly through a .. 2023. 3. 17.
[Wordly L6] 1. Lady Liberty - Yujun Lady Liberty The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of freedom to people all over theworld. Since 1886 it has welcomed immigrants who sail into New York harbor to begin a new life in the United States. Like many of them, Lady Liberty, as the statue is affectionately known, had to overcome some difficulties before reaching these shores. The statue was a gift from the people of France to the people of .. 2023. 3. 14.
[Best L3] 13. Adopting a Pet from the Animal Shelter - Sihu One morning, Jacob and his parents. went to the animal shelter together. They were going to get a pet dog for Jacob. When Jacob and his parents reached the animal shelter, they were greeted by a stoff. The lady introduced herself as Elaine. Elaine brought them around the shelter. Jacob was surprised to see many animals at the shelter. There were dogs, cats and rabbits. Jacob felt sad for the ani.. 2023. 3. 14.
[Best L3] 12. Feeling Unwell - Sihu Feeling Unwell It was during English lesson when Edwin started having a dull throbbing headache. The pain was so intense that he could not concentrate in class at all. Edwin put up his hand and told his English teacher, Mrs Dvidson, about it. She was concerned about Edwin because he looked pale. Mrs Davidson told Edwin's classmates, Balan and Josh, to help him to the sick bay. When Edwin, Balan .. 2023. 3. 14.
[Spectrum R2] 1. Dad’s First Day - Elly Dad’s First Day I think Dad is nervous. At breakfast, he almost poured milk into his orange juice instead of into his cereal bowl! Mom doesn’t seem worried. She knows why Dad is a little upset. Today is his first day at a new job. My dad builds bridges. Some of them look heavy and strong. Others look light, as if they are just hanging in the air. Dad says the light bridges are just as strong as .. 2023. 3. 14.
[Spectrum R3] 6. Thunder and Lightning - Lucy Thunder and Lightning The story of thunder and lightning is a lesson on electricity. Lightning is really just a giant electrical spark. Thunder is a direct result of the activity of that spark. Lightning First Imagine a single water droplet high above Earth. It is in a cloud among millions of other water droplets. As this water droplet falls toward Earth, it gets bigger by collecting more moistu.. 2023. 3. 14.
[Spectrum R3] 5. Night Lights - Lucy There were lights flashing outside. No matter what I did, I could see those lights. I couldn’t figure out what they were, so I started worrying. I turned away from the window and closed my eyes. But then I had to open them, just a crack, to see if the lights were still there. Flash-flash, off, flash! I rolled toward the window and watched. Maybe I could figure it out. I started listing things. C.. 2023. 3. 14.
[Spectrum R3] 5. Night Lights - Hojin There were lights flashing outside. No matter what I did, I could see those lights. I couldn’t figure out what they were, so I started worrying. I turned away from the window and closed my eyes. But then I had to open them, just a crack, to see if the lights were still there. Flash-flash, off, flash! I rolled toward the window and watched. Maybe I could figure it out. I started listing things. C.. 2023. 3. 13.
[Spectrum R3] 4. One Tent...What Next? - Hoyoung One Tent...What Next? “Then, there was the time my brother and I nearly got blown away with the tent! Did I tell you about that one?” Sam shook his head and tried not to look impatient. His dad had been telling camping stories for almost an hour. How can I get him to stop without saying anything? thought Sam to himself. He really wanted to get out to the tent. Finally, his dad stopped for a bite.. 2023. 3. 13.