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[Wonders G2] pp196. The Mural - Hojin The Mural “All right, class,” Mr. Smith said. “Please sit down.” The school mural contest was about to take place. Each year, Mr. Smith chose one design. Then a new mural was painted in the hallway. “I’m going to win,” Liz said. “I can feel it.” Liz enjoyed painting. It was her favorite thing to do. “Sorry,” Mike said. “This is my year.” Mike loved to draw. He always drew shapes in his notebook... 2023. 2. 15.
[Best L3] 6. At the Shopping Centre - Minha 2023. 2. 15.
[Best L1] 5. Mother is Sick - Ian 5. Mother is Sick 📖 Diviya is at home with her mother. Diviya wakes up from her nap. She finds her mother lying on the sofa. Diviya's mother looks pale. She is having a bad headache. Diviya tells her mother to get some rest. She helps her mother to do the housework. She helps to sweep the floor and does the dishes. When Diviya's father comes home, her mother is feeling better. They thank Diviya .. 2023. 2. 14.
[Wonders G2] The Big Bee - Daechan The Big Bee There is a big spelling contest every year. It is the National Spelling Bee. Lots of kids enter the big bee. Only one can win. The bee has many rules. They tell what is allowed. Kids have to follow the rules. If they do not, they cannot be in the contest. One rule is that kids must be in Grade 8 or below. Here is another rule. Kids have to win local spelling bees before they can be i.. 2023. 2. 14.
[Wonders G2] Play Ball! - Daechan Play Ball! The twins raced home with the terrible news, carrying their new ball, bat, and gloves. “Dad!” Jenna called as she ran up the driveway. “Our baseball field has disappeared!” Their father was curious and wanted to learn more. “What do you mean it disappeared?” “Well, the field is there,” Jason explained. “But garbage is everywhere, and it is too dirty to use!” “You two rarely run out of.. 2023. 2. 14.
[Wonders G2] pp58.The Big Bee - Hojin The Big Bee There is a big spelling contest every year. It is the National Spelling Bee. Lots of kids enter the big bee. Only one can win. The bee has many rules. They tell what is allowed. Kids have to follow the rules. If they do not, they cannot be in the contest. One rule is that kids must be in Grade 8 or below. Here is another rule. Kids have to win local spelling bees before they can be i.. 2023. 2. 10.
[Wonders G2] pp58.The Big Bee - Hoyoung The Big Bee There is a big spelling contest every year. It is the National Spelling Bee. Lots of kids enter the big bee. Only one can win. The bee has many rules. They tell what is allowed. Kids have to follow the rules. If they do not, they cannot be in the contest. One rule is that kids must be in Grade 8 or below. Here is another rule. Kids have to win local spelling bees before they can be i.. 2023. 2. 10.
[Reading] 19. From Country to City - Jayden From Country to City Jordan had seen photos of New York City, but it was a shock to be right in the middle of it. Taxis and their blaring horns were all around her. Jordan’s home was a farm—the daily sights and sounds were clucking hens, mooing cows, and sometimes a howling coyote. She wondered how much of an adjustment it would be to get used to the city where her cousin Sandra lived. Arrival I.. 2023. 2. 10.
[Best L1] 4. A Birthday Celebration - Ian A Birthday Celebration 📖 Rachel skips out of bed. It is her birthday today! She is very happy because her family are going to celebrate her birthday with her. Rachel and her family put on party hats. Then, her mother brings out the birthday cake. There are seven candles on it. Rachel makes a wish and blows out all the candles. After that, her family members give her presents. Rachel has so much .. 2023. 2. 10.