분류 전체보기844 [Reading] 21. The Crow - Jayden The Crow It had been a long, cold winter, and all the animals in the forest were freezing. The woods were desolate—the ground was covered with snow, and there was not a speck of green. Raccoon said, “Crow, you must fly to the Great Sky Spirit and steal fire so that we may be warm and survive the winter.” Back then, Crow had beautiful, colorful feathers and a lovely singing voice. Crow was also c.. 2023. 3. 3. [Best L1] 6. Getting a Pet - Juan 6. Getting a Pet 📖 Mei is very excited. She is all ready to go out early in the morning. Her parents are taking her to a pet shop! Mei wants to get a pet because she loves animals. There are many different types of animals at the shop. Mei sees some adorable rabbits, dogs, cats and even hamsters. She decides to get a hamster with brown fur. As they leave the pet shop, Mei promises to take good c.. 2023. 3. 3. [Wonders G2] Community Gardens - Elly Community Gardens Cara and Leo help start community gardens. They hold meetings for people who want to help. Cara and Leo listen to people’s ideas. Then, they share their thoughts. Gardens make a city look nice. They help bring people together. One problem is finding a place for the garden. A solution is to use land owned by the city. When they solve the problem, work begins. People volunteer to.. 2023. 3. 3. [Wordly L2] 1. Bailey Finds a New Home - Daechan Daechan_1 Daechan_2 Bailey Finds a New Home Sandra Adams and Ken Hodkinson live at Sugar Wood Farm in New Hampshire. They have a cat named Bailey. He did not always live with them. If Bailey could talk, he might tell you how he came to live with Sandra and Ken. Let’s imagine he can. At first, Ken and Sandra didn’t want me. Many times I waited outside their door for them to return home. I knew I .. 2023. 3. 2. [Wonders G2] Underground Astronauts - Daechan Underground Astronauts Astronauts need to help each other when they are in space. They train together to learn how to work as a team. A group in Europe prepares astronauts to work as a team in space. To help them get ready, the group sends astronauts to a cave in Italy. They stay there for a week. The astronauts work together in extreme conditions. They study rocks and animals. They explore toge.. 2023. 3. 2. [Best L1] 6. Getting a Pet 6. Getting a Pet 📖 Mei is very excited. She is all ready to go out early in the morning. Her parents are taking her to a pet shop! Mei wants to get a pet because she loves animals. There are many different types of animals at the shop. Mei sees some adorable rabbits, dogs, cats and even hamsters. She decides to get a hamster with brown fur. As they leave the pet shop, Mei promises to take good c.. 2023. 2. 28. [Wonders G2] Why a Fawn Has Spots - Daechan Why a Fawn Has Spots Long ago, Animal King gave gifts to animals. The gifts helped the animals survive. Birds got wings. Deer got speed. Cats got claws. Then Animal King rested. One day a deer brought her fawn to see Animal King. “Sir, I run very fast because of your gift,” she said. “But my young son has no gift. He is not fast.” Animal King thought hard. He touched the fawn’s fur. Many white s.. 2023. 2. 28. [Best L1] 5. Mother is Sick - Juan 5. Mother is Sick 📖 Diviya is at home with her mother. Diviya wakes up from her nap. She finds her mother lying on the sofa. Diviya's mother looks pale. She is having a bad headache. Diviya tells her mother to get some rest. She helps her mother to do the housework. She helps to sweep the floor and does the dishes. When Diviya's father comes home, her mother is feeling better. They thank Diviya .. 2023. 2. 25. [Best L3] 9. Being Forgetful - Minha 2023. 2. 25. 이전 1 ··· 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 ··· 94 다음