분류 전체보기844 [Best L1] 4. A Birthday Celebration - Juan A Birthday Celebration Rachel skips out of bed. It is her birthday today! She is very happy because her family are going to celebrate her birthday with her. Rachel and her family put on party hats. Then, her mother brings out the birthday cake. There are seven candles on it. Rachel makes a wish and blows out all the candles. After that, her family members give her presents. Rachel has so much fu.. 2023. 2. 10. [Best L4] 12. A rescue - Siyun 2023. 2. 10. [Wonders G2] Sandra Day O’Connor - Daechan Sandra Day O’Connor Sandra Day O’Connor was the first woman to be a judge on the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is the highest court in the United States. Sandra grew up in Arizona. She went to college in California. After college, Sandra wanted to be a lawyer. First, she went to law school to study. She learned many things about the law. Then, Sandra went back to Arizona. Next, Sandra wanted .. 2023. 2. 10. [Wonders G2] The Class Play - Daechan The Class Play Ed and Amanda talk about “Beauty and the Beast” at lunch. It is the new class play. Their class will perform the play next month. Amanda wants to make the costumes. She thinks sewing will be a peaceful, quiet job. Ed has been in plays before. He wants to try out for the Beast. “I’m the best actor in our class,” he tells Amanda. “I should get that part.” Ed doesn’t get the part. “I.. 2023. 2. 10. [Wonders G2] Saturday - Daechan Saturday I was glad it was Saturday. All week I had been making a list of outdoor activities I wanted to do. “This is my day,” I said to myself. “I am definitely going to do everything on this list. That’s a promise!” As I was heading outside, I saw my neighbor, Ms. Beal. She wore a big, heavy cast on her leg. “Silas, I’m having some issues,” said Ms. Beal. “What problems are you having?” I aske.. 2023. 2. 10. [Best L3] 5. Moving House - Minha 2023. 2. 7. [Reading] 18. Computer or Not? - Jayden Computer or Not? CHARACTERS: Marco, Ben, Marco’s dad Scene I Marco’s kitchen; Marco is checking his savings account book. Marco’s friend, Ben, is reading the newspaper. Marco’s dad is cooking. MARCO (smiling): I have enough money to buy a computer! BEN (looking up): Why can’t you just use your dad’s? MARCO and DAD together: It’s for BUSINESS. MARCO: Besides, it’s . . . (looking at Ben) . . . Wha.. 2023. 2. 4. [Best L3] 4. Breakdown - Minha 2023. 2. 4. [Best L3] 3. Sports Day - Minha 2023. 2. 4. 이전 1 ··· 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 ··· 94 다음