분류 전체보기844 [Wonders G2] The Rainbow - Daechan The Rainbow Bob and Dave were in their cabin at camp getting ready for their first soccer match. Suddenly the boys heard a crack of thunder. They ran to the cabin window. “I don’t like this,” Bob grumbled. He sounded unhappy. “It will stop soon,” Dave said. “Then we can play.” The rain did not stop. The boys ran outside at game time. But they knew the match would be called off. The soccer field .. 2023. 1. 19. [Wonders G2] This Is Friction! - Daechan This Is Friction! You kick a ball. How far will it roll? When will it stop? It depends. If it lands on rough grass, it will stop soon. If it lands on a smooth playground, it will keep rolling. Friction will stop the ball. Friction is a force. A force is a push or a pull. Friction happens when two objects, or things, rub together. Rough surfaces have more friction than smooth surfaces. Sand is ro.. 2023. 1. 16. [Best L3] 1. An Incident at the Bus Stop - Minha An Incident at the Bus Stop I was at the bus stop waiting for my bus to go home. It was an exceptionally warm day and I was perspiring profusely. There was no one else at the bus stop except for a lady and an old man. I noticed that the old man looked pale and weak. His hands were treambling. As the bus approached, the old man stood up. without any warning, he collapsed. The lady and I were so s.. 2023. 1. 16. [Alston L2] Reading Comprehension - Daeho 1. Riddle time Here is a riddle. What has two hands but no fingers? Let's ask the dog. "I don't know" the dog says. Let's ask the bear. "I don't know" the bear says. Here is a hint. It is on the wall! "Oh, I know! It's a clock!" the cat says. Cat, you are the best! 2. Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle We will make hamburgers today! Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle. Hooray, they are all ready. i eat one, and I say, ".. 2023. 1. 16. [Alston L1] Reading Comprehension - Elly Unit 1. How do babies cry? Frogs go "Ribbit Ribbit" Cars go "Broom Broom" Phones go "Ring Ring" Cows go "Moo Moo" Pigs go "Oink Oink" Cats go "Meow Meow" Clocks go "Tick Tock" Then how do babies cry? Babies go "Waaaaaaa Waaaaaaa" Unit 2. Hats! I love hats! I collect many hats! I have a blue baseball cap. I have a black top hat. I have a green beret. I have a red ski cap. I have a white helmet. I.. 2023. 1. 16. [Wonders G2] pp149.Moths and Butterflies! - Hojin Moths and Butterflies Callie was happy. Today her class had a field trip. They would visit a butterfly and moth sanctuary, or shelter. Callie loved to see nature up close. Many kinds of butterflies and moths lived there. They were taken care of. The shelter was not outdoors. It was covered in glass. Mr. Green led the class through it. They passed colorful flowers. Many tiny winged creatures flew.. 2023. 1. 13. [Wonders G2] pp149.Moths and Butterflies! - Hoyoung Unit Assessment (pp149) Moths and Butterflies Callie was happy. Today her class had a field trip. They would visit a butterfly and moth sanctuary, or shelter. Callie loved to see nature up close. Many kinds of butterflies and moths lived there. They were taken care of. The shelter was not outdoors. It was covered in glass. Mr. Green led the class through it. They passed colorful flowers. Many ti.. 2023. 1. 13. [Best L4] 8. Lost and Found - Siyun 2023. 1. 13. [Best L3] 8. Being Honest - Sihu 2023. 1. 13. 이전 1 ··· 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 ··· 94 다음